Every Petroleum Engineer Should Know These Tips

Our Principal Petrophysicist has prepared a short video-based Excel course to prepare participants for our Training Courses. The skills taught will prove useful to any oil and gas professional.

Best of all, this course is free!

Get it at Excel Skills for Petrophysics.

Start with the Required Skills worksheet, then move through Sections 1 to 4 covering the tips outlined below

1.0 Working with Data in Sheets

1.1 Use "freeze panes" to keep headers and columns in place.

1.2 Copy down whole columns with "double-click" on botton right corner of cell.

1.3 Sort data in columns

1.4 Use "$" sign to lock cell references in formulae.

1.5 Use "Vlookup" function to extract matching data from larger datasets.

1.6 Moving data by dragging edges of selection.

2.0 Working with Plots

2.1 Plot set of x,y co-ordinates in a scatter plot

2.2 Add axis titles, gridlines & legends to plots.

2.3 Alter symbols and lines of a series on a scatter plot.

2.4 Copy a plot & edit series to show another log

2.5 Add additional series to existing scatter plots

2.6 Add a trend-line to a scatter plot using Excel's own functionality. Display formulae & statistics.

2.7 Plot histogram or frequency plot using Excel

3.0 Determining Uncertainty

3.1 Create "difference" column between modelled (function) and measured (desired) data.

3.2 Plot differences in histogram

3.3 Examine differences by sorting (to find P90, P50 & P10 values)

3.4 Use statistics (mean & standard deviation) to examine "differences" & interpret findings

4.0 Working with the Solver

4.1 Activate/install the Solver add-in

4.2 Use Solver to fit a function of any form to your dataset

4.3 Determine which function "fit" is the best one to use